Ned Kelly saves the young Richard Shelton from drowning in the river at Avenel. He is given the green and gold sash as a gift from Richard Shelton's parents.
He was wearing this sash when he was shot at the Siege of Glenrowan.
The bloodstained sash is now a relic in the Benalla costume and pioneer museum, Benalla, Victoria. Australia.
The Kelly's move from Beveridge to Avenel and rent a 40 acre farm.
1 June 1861
Daniel 'Dan' Kelly is born at Avenel.
17 July 1861
Annie, Ned and Maggie Kelly begin school at Avenel Common School.
12 July 1863
Catherine 'Kate' Kelly born in Avenel
10 March 1864
Gilbert Brown a school inspector visits the Avenel common school and tests Ned Kelly.
May 1865
John 'Red' Kelly is charged with cattle stealing but is later aquitted, however, he is fined £25 for the illegal possession of a hide.
10 August 1865
Grace Kelly born at Avenel.
Ned Kelly saves the young Richard Shelton from drowning in the river at Avenel.
28 December 1866
John 'Red' Kelly dies of dropsy, an incurable disease and is buried at Avenel cemetery. Ned registers his fathers death, he is twelve years old.
In recent history the Avenel Historical Society have erected a gravestone.
April 1867
Ellen Kelly is fined £2 for abusive language and threatening behaviour at Avenel.
May 1867
The Kelly family uproot from Avenel and move to Greta. At first they lodge in a derelict hotel which is later burnt down by James 'Jim' Kelly in 1868.
Police reinforcements are despatched to Avenel to protect the bank.
1. The old stone bridge over Hughes Creek
2. The old Royal Mail Hotel, now the Imperial Hotel
3. Avenel Court House
4. Site of the Police Station
5. Cemetery where John 'Red' Kelly is buried
6. Avenel Railway Station
7. Post Office
8. The Railway Hotel, now the Home Harvest Hotel
9. John Kelly selection
The Ned Kelly Trail Stop 2
Avenel is located 114 kilometres north of Melbourne and a leisurely 45 minute drive from Beveridge. The town is positioned between Seymour and Euroa, west of the Hume Highway.
Avenel was established as a stopover point on the road from Melbourne to Albury and it was here that the Kelly family moved and rented a 40 acre farm for £14 a year from Mrs Mutton.
Bridge over Hughes Creek
The spot where Ned Kelly saved Richard Shelton from drowning and was rewarded with a green silk cummerbund.
Ned Kelly was wearing the cummerbund at the Siege of Glenrowan.
Avenel Court House
The court house in Avenel is where Ned's father John Kelly was charged with cattle stealing.
He was later aquitted but fined £25 for the illegal possession of a hide.
Avenel Cemetery
Resting place of John 'Red' Kelly. ©2004-2025